Dramatic Slow Down

Since finishing Stryker I have made very little progress in the realm of painting...or playing for that matter.  Blah blah Real Life blah blah blah.

Hoping that this weekend I can finish off the Ironclad. It currently has the metallics base coated and one leg has the blue applied.  The Charger still needs to be prepped, primed, and painted. I have some time off for Christmas so hope to get many things accomplished. (Like finishing last years Christmas gifts!)

In the meantime, the boys and I have a four-way fantasy skirmish set up. This time they're playing with their own miniatures! Though Zachary does have one stand in for the wizard in the game. Michael is playing with an assortment of Heroscape figures, Zachary with his 1/72 plastic vikings, Phillip with his MegaMiniatures skeletons, and I with an assortment of Reaper Warlord and DHL figures. There are a number of unpainted figures and partially painted figs. Not a big deal really as I'm more interested in having a good time with the kids and they just want to play miniatures with Dad.

1 comment:

Dangerous Brian said...

That's pretty damn cool. Let us know how you get on with those games.